Exhibition Invitation - "Join us at the 23rd Shanghai International Industry Fair with Fuyansheng!"

2024-01-26 08:50   849

Exhibition Invitation - "Join us at the 23rd Shanghai International Industry Fair with Fuyansheng!"

We are delighted to invite you to visit our booth at the 23rd China International Industry Fair in 2023. The exhibition will be held at the Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center from September 19th to 23rd, 2023. 我们将在8号展位展示我们的工业以太网产品解决方案.1H A087.


我们的工业以太网产品解决方案是全面的, 包括母线阀岛和机柜集成和外部母线模块解决方案. 在他们中间, the communication networking mode (industrial Ethernet) is an efficient 解决方案 with significant advantages. 更好地满足客户需求, we have improved our digital and analog modules and designed modules that are suitable for both cabinet and IP67 external installations, 提供更好的适应性和兼容性. Our Ethernet modules are perfectly compatible with many PLC manufacturers in the market and can meet various Ethernet communication mode requirements, 包括对协议的支持 Profinet、Profibus-DP、以太网/ IP、EtherCAT、CC-Link、IEF Basic、Modbus-RTU、IO-Link. Our products have been successfully applied in many devices and have received high praise from users.

我们相信,在第23届中国国际工业博览会上, you will have the opportunity to glimpse the latest developments in modern industrial technology. Our professional staff will provide you with warm and thoughtful service and answer any questions you may have. 你是否从事工业生产, 研究与开发, 自动化控制, 或者其他领域, 我们的解决方案可以为您提供最好的服务和支持.